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Prices are stated in Swissfrancs CHF

Exchange rates for 1 CHF ~ 1.13 US$ or 0.80 EURO or 0.70 £


Shipping Costs (worldwide)

For Garments the shipping costs are CHF 5.00 less than for one pair of shoes !

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Alphabetical list

Zone Priority Mail Economy Mail

time in


1 pair of shoes (without platform) 2 pairs of shoes or. 1pair of boots Delivery

time in


1 pair of shoes (without platform) 2 pairs of shoes or. 1pair of boots
Price in CHF Price in CHF Price in CHF Price in CHF
Albania 2 3-6 (42.00) (47.00) 10-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Algier 2 5-7 (42.00) (47.00) 8-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Argentina 5 4-8 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Australia 5 5-7 (63.00) (82.00) 10-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Austria 1 2-5 (38.00) (42.00) 4-10 (34.00) (36.00)
Bahrain 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Bangladesh 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Belarus 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Belgium 1 3 (38.00) (42.00) 6-10 (34.00) (36.00)
Bolivia 5 3-8 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Brasilia 4 5-15 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Bulgaria 2 3-7 (42.00) (47.00) 6-12 (37.00) (41.00)
Burkina Faso 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Canada 3 5-10 (47.00) (61.00) 10-25 (37.00) (45.00)
Chile 5 4-9 (63.00) (82.00) 10-20 (47.00) (55.00)
China,Taiwan 4 4-6 (57.00) (70.00) 10-15 (43.00) (50.00)
China, VR 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-30 (43.00) (50.00)
Columbia 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 10-15 (43.00) (50.00)
Côte d'Ivoire 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Denmark 2 3 (42.00) (47.00) 5-9 (37.00) (41.00)
Dominikanic Rep. 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 10-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Egypt 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 15-30 (37.00) (41.00)
Equador 5 5-10 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Eritrea 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Estland 2 4-10 (42.00) (47.00) 15-25 (37.00) (41.00)
Ëthiopia 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Fidschi 5 5-10 (63.00) (82.00) not available not available
Finland 2 3 (42.00) (47.00) 8-16 (37.00) (41.00)
France 1 2-3 (38.00) (42.00) 5-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Gambia 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Germany 1 2-3 (38.00) (42.00) 4-8 (34.00) (36.00)
Ghana 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Gibraltar 2 4-7 (42.00) (47.00) 10-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Greece 2 4-7 (42.00) (47.00) 10-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Great Britain, England 2 3-5 (42.00) (47.00) 6-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Hongkong 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Hungary 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 10-17 (37.00) (41.00)
India 4 5-12 (57.00) (70.00) 12-30 (43.00) (50.00)
Indonesia 5 5-10 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Irak 4 not available not available not available not available
Iran 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Ireland 2 3 (42.00) (47.00) 8-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Island 2 4-6 (42.00) (47.00) 10-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Israel 2 4-7 (42.00) (47.00) 10-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Italy 1 5-7 (38.00) (42.00) 8-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Japan 4 3-6 (57.00) (70.00) 10-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Jemen 4 5-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Jordania 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Jugoslawia 2 5-8 (42.00) (47.00) 7-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Kamerun 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Korea , Republik 4 6-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Kroatia 1 4-9 (38.00) (42.00) 10-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Kuwait 4 4-6 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Lettland 2 4-10 (42.00) (47.00) 15-25 (37.00) (41.00)
Libanon 2 5-10 (42.00) (47.00) 10-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Libya 2 10-15 (42.00) (47.00) 20-30 (37.00) (41.00)
Lithuania 2 4-10 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Luxembourg 1 3 (38.00) (42.00) 4-9 (34.00) (36.00)
Madagaskar 4 5-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-30 (43.00) (50.00)
Malaysia 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Malta 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 10-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Marokko 2 4-6 (42.00) (47.00) 15-30 (37.00) (41.00)
Mazedonia 2 4-7 (42.00) (47.00) 6-12 (37.00) (41.00)
Mexiko 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 20-35 (43.00) (50.00)
New Zealand 5 4-10 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Netherland 1 3 (38.00) (42.00) 5-10 (34.00) (36.00)
Norway 2 3-7 (42.00) (47.00) 8-16 (37.00) (41.00)
Oman 4 5-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Pakistan 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Peru 5 5-8 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Philippinas 5 5-8 (63.00) (82.00) 15-25 (47.00) (55.00)
Poland 2 4-9 (42.00) (47.00) 7-14 (37.00) (41.00)
Portugal 2 4-6 (42.00) (47.00) 7-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Qatar 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Romania 2 4-9 (42.00) (47.00) 15-25 (37.00) (41.00)
Russian Fed. 2 4-14 (42.00) (47.00) 15-25 (37.00) (41.00)
Saudi-Arabia 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Senegal 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Singapur 4 4-6 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Slowakia Republik 1 4-8 (38.00) (42.00) 7-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Slowenia 1 4-9 (38.00) (42.00) 10-15 (34.00) (36.00)
South Afrika 4 3-6 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Spain 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 7-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Sri Lanka 4 5-12 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Sweden 2 3-4 (42.00) (47.00) 6-15 (37.00) (41.00)
Switzerland 0 Express (18.00) (25.00) 1-2 9.00 15.00
Syria 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Thailand 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Togo 4 4-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Tschech. Republik 1 4-8 (38.00) (42.00) 7-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Tunesia 2 3-6 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Turky 2 4-6 (42.00) (47.00) 6-20 (37.00) (41.00)
Ukraine 2 4-8 (42.00) (47.00) 15-20 (37.00) (41.00)
United arabic


4 5-8 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
United States of

America (USA)

3 4-10 (47.00) (61.00) 10-25 (37.00) (45.00)
Uruguay 5 5-10 (63.00) (82.00) 20-30 (47.00) (55.00)
Vatikan 1 4-6 (38.00) (42.00) 10-15 (34.00) (36.00)
Venezuela 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-25 (43.00) (50.00)
Vietnam 4 5-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-30 (43.00) (50.00)
Zimbabwe 4 4-10 (57.00) (70.00) 15-20 (43.00) (50.00)
Zypern 2 4-7 (42.00) (47.00) 20-30 (37.00) (41.00)

For Garments the shipping costs are CHF 5.00 less than for one pair of shoes !

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